If you’ve been searching for free giantess videos—and I know you have—you’ve definitely run across AstroDomina’s name.

That is, you’ve seen a lot of names float by, videos produced by a handheld iPhone, anything from 30 seconds to five minutes of someone sitting on the camera or shoving the camera in their mouth. Lots of that kind of thing, but you’ve also seen a few videos that rise well above that. Videos with some plot, not an actor with a dead-eyed stare but a giantess with real fire in her eyes, angles and perspectives that give you a sense of terrific height and terrible power. Every once in a while you encounter a giantess that makes your guts lurch with vertigo and your skin sweat with anticipation.

Odds are, you were watching one of AstroDomina’s videos. Hers is a name and a style you don’t soon forget. So imagine my excitement when I realized I could possibly meet her at SizeCon 2023. As things panned out, not only did I get to say “hi, I love your work,” she generously shared her time with me for a sit-down conversation.

Please introduce yourself.

Hello, I’m AstroDomina. I am a professional dominatrix and a fetish producer.

Were you a weird kid?

Oh, hell yes, I was a weird kid! But I was also very rebellious and very bossy. Honestly, I grew up with a lot of babysitters, and even though I had my parents and these babysitters, I still made a lot of trouble. I was a very troublesome kid, but it was fun, all for fun.

When did you first realize you wanted to become a dominatrix, or were interested in that sphere of work?

Oh my gosh. I think I remember the very first image that I saw on the internet of a dominatrix. It was black and white. I was very curious, it was a very mysterious photo. I was eleven years old, but at eleven, living in a very conservative country—I grew up in the Philippines—the internet wasn’t very popular back then, but in the richer community, it was very accessible. So I was in the middle: my parents were blue-collar, and we were in between. We had access to things, but we also were still just getting by. That was my very first time I encountered BDSM, the kink community. That’s when my imagination flourished. At 11 years old, I started exploring my own sexuality. It was very ballsy, let’s say.

What did that mean to you, to see someone in that kind of outfit, probably getting a hint of the community behind that?

It was very exciting, because I have a very creative mind. It was like, one photo and I had a thousand different thoughts, you know? I was very curious and wanted to know how I could get into it. Back then, at that age, I didn’t know how to get into it. It was just like, “Ooh, someday I wanna be that girl!” It was more like a fantasy for me, and then ten years later, doors started opening up for me. That’s when I moved from the Philippines to the US, I was an immigrant. Doors started opening for me, so I started dabbling in it. That one photo really made me fantasize, dream about becoming a dominatrix.

At what point did the crossover happen, that you became aware of the Size community?

Actually, right after. I entered the community officially in 2011. Shortly after that, I started discovering the Size community because a lot of the macrophiles started reaching out to me and saying like, are you a giantess? I was like, a giantess? I’m not necessarily a giantess, but I’d be into it, you know? So that’s when it started, the knowledge about it started piling on, I started doing my research, I had a lot of interaction with Tinies, or even the shrinking world or the growth world, and the entire Size community, basically. That’s when I started, around 2012.

There’s an interesting parallel there. You see the image of a dominatrix: that sparks something in you. Then there’s a new community of people looking for big, strong women. Did that call to something that was already inside you, or did you see the demand and rise to it?

Naturally… going back to your first question, “were you weird as a kid,” yes, I was a very troublesome kid, because I did whatever I wanted. And so, at a very young age, I knew that I’m very alpha, I’m very dominant, and I’m very comfortable being social and doing all the things that I’m doing right now. I think that that photo sparked the dominant side of me and my natural curiosity for things. My parents never told me that I couldn’t do things. They did, in a way, discipline me, but they never told me that I can’t be this or I can’t do this. When I see something and when I want something, I really grab it. I’ve never not gotten anything I wanted. What I’m trying to say is, if I want something, I’ll get it.

Several years ago, you put out an excellent YouTube video where you introduced macrophilia to the greater community.

There were a few videos. There was one with Katelyn [Brooks] that we did with Playboy.

It was interesting because you came at it from the inside, as opposed to some rando guessing why people are into it. You composed a good primer, saying this is what it means to people. Given the amount of time that’s passed, after everything you’ve experienced, would you change the information?

Great question. How would I change the videos I’ve made to introduce people… I don’t think I’d change much about it. It’s really informing people that the Size community is a real thing. Shrinking fetish is a real thing, giantess fetish is a real thing, and all the other aspects of being in the Size community are real. I made a video that’s a great introduction for someone who has the Size fetish, and they have absolutely no idea how to tell their friends or family or lover about it. But if you watch that video, where I’m talking about what macrophilia is, it’s just very plain and blunt. It’s not a very aggressive video, it’s a friendly, educational video. I think that made a lot of people understand and realize this is an actual community. I don’t think I’d change much about it. I think I’d still approach it in a very friendly and educational manner.

How would you like people to remember you?

I want people to remember me jumping from a helicopter, and on my death I got shot while riding a lion through the water. That’s a little… that’s like my fantasy. But I want people to remember me as an educator, as an artist, a creative through and through, because that’s really who I am. I like to dabble in a lot of different themes.

As a creator and educator, what do you feel are some of the obstacles to what you’re trying to accomplish?

The most prevalent obstacle, being in the Size community, is being able to discover the shrinking serum or growth serum.

From your mouth to the gods’ ears.

I want this shit to happen so bad! So I can finally shrink someone in real life and actually be able to grow to a colossal size. When you figure that out, let me know.

And I know people are wondering: once you get a tiny guy, are you going to keep him and toy with him, or is he going to last about five minutes?

It depends. If I’m hungry, he’s gonna last less than five minutes. But if I’m full, maybe a week or so.

Is that a fanservice or do you really want to eat a tiny man?

Oh my gosh! How could you not want to eat a tiny man? I just love the whole tease and the interaction about it. To me it’s a little bit more sexual, in a way, almost a D/s interaction. They’re truly helpless! They’re tiny, they’re truly helpless, and they’re at my mercy. It really depends on my mood.

Image: AstroDomina (Instagram)

I just talked with Capp, a longtime illustrator, who does the same thing but on the other end. He illustrates strong women and tiny, helpless men who are slowly persuaded by the women, but ultimately the choice is out of their hands. I think you two would work well together.

I’ll give him a visit!

Who have been some of your favorite creatives to work with?

Do you know who Saxanas is? GTS? He’s one. Katelyn, Giantess Katelyn. Gary [Pranzo], I’ve never worked with him, I’ve seen him a lot. I’ve also worked with Raquel Roper. (looking around) There are a lot of creatives here that I’ve worked with, but mostly they’re more into drawings and I’ve never seen their faces before, because they have their art on their avatar. These are just a few names.

What is something I should have asked you but I didn’t?

Oh, great question. Uhhmm… “Where am I traveling next.”

Where are you traveling next, and what makes a good traveling companion?

I’m traveling to Chicago and LA this month for work. And what makes a great traveling companion? Someone who is basically, has their own thing going on. Someone who’s, okay, this is what we’re gonna do, I’m gonna let you do your own thing, I’m gonna do mine…

Actually, another dominatrix would be preferable because they have their own schedule going on, and at the end of the day we’d meet for dinner, then go to bed and do our own thing the next day. Most of the time I travel for work, not really for fun. I usually travel like three times a year for fun. I think that would make a good traveling companion, someone who’s also a dominatrix and has their own thing going on.

But if we’re talking about slaves? Oh my god, that’s a whole different story.

Right. What makes a good companion? He’s pocket-sized.

(laughter) That’s a good one, yes!

You’ve been very generous with your time, thank you so much. Where can people find your work?

All you have to do is go to Google and search my name, AstroDomina, and my social media is at AstroDomina for both Twitter and Instagram. My website is Kiss My Astro, and I have another one which is Fearless Supreme Leader. I have a multitude of sites, and if you Google my name, you’ll have a slew of links to choose from.

4 thoughts on “Interview with AstroDomina

    1. Kind of you to say! My concern was that some creators have a brand to maintain, so I can’t really peek behind the curtain and ask them to dispel the illusion for their customers. AstroDomina was very giving and engaged, which I appreciated. My self-perception is that I have a long way to go on my interview skills…

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